Seizure/Paroxysmal event

Seizure Types and Epilepsy

This podcast gives medical students an overview of seizure types seen in pediatrics (focusing on the clerkship objectives) and management of epilepsy. It was written by Michelle Bischoff, Dr. Francois Bolduc and Dr. Melanie Lewis. Michelle is a medical student at the University of Alberta. Dr. Bolduc is a Pediatric Neurologist and Assistant Professor and Dr. Lewis is a General Pediatrician and Associate Professor of Pediatrics, both at the Stollery Children’s Hospital and University of Alberta. 

Status Epilepticus in Children

This podcast gives medical students an approach to managing status epilepticus in pediatric patients. It was written by Michelle Bischoff and Dr. Melanie Lewis. Michelle is a medical student at the University of Alberta and Dr. Lewis is a General Pediatrician and Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the Stollery Children’s Hospital and University of Alberta. 
