Fatigue and polyuria in a 14 year old female (Diabetes Case: Part 1)

Question 1 of 11

PART 1: First Presentation of Type 1 Diabetes

By completion of part 1 of this case, the learner should be able to:

  1. Discuss the most common presenting signs and symptoms of pediatric type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM).
  2. List key questions on history and key physical exam maneuvers for a patient with newly diagnosed pediatric T1DM.
  3. List the diagnostic criteria for diagnosis of pediatric T1DM.
  4. Describe the rationale for the appropriate initial investigations for a pediatric patient with suspected new-onset diabetes.
  5. List the glycemic targets for pediatric T1DM.
  6. Name common autoimmune comorbidities of pediatric T1DM.
  7. Describe general important diet and lifestyle principles for pediatric T1DM.

NOTE: This is a two-part case. However, depending on your learning objectives, you may choose to complete either part 1 or part 2 or both.

The case questions were written by Tahereh Haji with the help of Dr. Mark Inman.  Tahereh is a medical student at the University of Saskatchewan and Dr. Inman is a pediatric endocrinologist at the University of Saskatchewan.