Community Pediatrics

Spina Bifida

In this podcast, the listener will learn to differentiate various types of neural tube defects, to discuss the etiology and risk factors of spina bifida, and to describe the fundamentals of the workup and management of spina bifida.  The podcast was created by Quin Pon and Brianna Salverda, both medical students at the University of Alberta, with support from Dr. Cynthia Gunaratnam, a general pediatrician at the Stollery Children's Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta.

Approach to Abnormalities in Head Shape and Size Part 2: Abnormalities in Head Shape

In this podcast on abnormal head shape, the listener will learn the differential diagnosis for children with an abnormal head shape, the key points on history and physical exam to refine your differential diagnosis, and the relevant investigations and management options for children with abnormal head shape. The podcast was created by Dr. Lindsey Logan, a pediatric neurology resident in Toronto, and Dr. Claire McNiven, a pediatrics resident at the University of Alberta. The podcast’s development and editing were supported by Dr.

Diagnosis and Chronic Management of Asthma in Children

In this podcast, the listener will learn the definition and clinical presentation of asthma, the criteria for the diagnosis of asthma in preschoolers and in children older than six, and the initial and ongoing management of asthma in children. The podcast was created by Usman Ahmed with support from Dr. Melanie Lewis. Usman is a fourth-year medical student at the University of Alberta, and Dr. Lewis is a pediatrician at the Stollery Children's Hospital.

COVID-19 Vaccines

This podcast discusses vaccines against COVID-19 as they pertain to pediatric patients. The podcast provides background information on vaccine development and types of vaccines, then answers many common questions about vaccines via an interview with Dr. Joan Robinson, a pediatric infectious diseases specialist at the Stollery Children’s Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta. The podcast was developed by Dr.  Gauri Shah, a pediatrician who completed a fellowship in pediatric infectious diseases at the University of Alberta. Its development was supported by Dr. Robinson.

Infant Feeding

This PedsCases Note provides a one-page infographic on an approach to infant feeding (up to the first 12 months of life), including when to introduce allergenic and complementary foods, as well as pasteruized milk. It was developed by Michelle Schneeweiss, a medical student at McMaster University, in collaboration with Dr. Jason Silverman, a pediatric gastroenterologist at the Univerisity of Alberta. 

Click on the image below for the full-screen PDF handout

Approach to Esotropia

This podcast presents an approach to esotropia. In it, the listener will learn the different categories of esotropia, how to evaluate a patient with esotropia, how to identify an urgent case, and several treatment options for esotropia. This podcast was created by Katia Milovanova, a medical student at the University of Alberta, in collaboration with Dr. Natashka Pollock, a pediatric ophthalmologist at the University of Alberta.

Female Genital Cutting

This podcast presents an overview of female genital cutting, or FGC, from a pediatrics perspective. In it, the listener will learn to discuss what FGC is, where and why it is performed, the complications of FGC, how FGC is addressed in Canadian law, an approach to discussing FGC with patients and their families, and an approach to a pelvic exam in a child who has been cut. The podcast was developed by Dora Gyenes, a medical student at the University of Alberta, with support from Dr. Cathy Flood, a urogynecologist at the Royal Alexandra Hospital.

ADHD in children and youth: Part 3 – Comorbidities – CPS Podcast

This podcast is the conclusion to the CPS Podcast series on ADHD in children and youth.  Based on the 2018 CPS statement on ADHD, this episode will discuss assessment and treatment with comorbid autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, and prematurity. It was created by Renée Lurie, a third-year medical student from the University of Ottawa, in collaboration with the authors of the statement: Drs.

ADHD in Children and Youth: Part 2 - Treatment - CPS Podcast

This podcast is part 2 of a 3-part series on ADHD in children and youth based on the 2018 CPS Statement on ADHD. It will cover the management of ADHD, including non-pharmacologic treatment, when to consider medical intervention, and pharmacologic options. This series was developed by Renée Lurie, a third-year medical student from the University of Ottawa, in collaboration with the authors of the statement: Drs. Stacey Bélanger, Mark Feldman, and Brenda Clark from the Universities of Montreal, Toronto, and Alberta respectively.

ADHD in Children and Youth: Part 1 - Etiology, Diagnosis, and Comorbidity - CPS Podcast

This podcast gives an overview of the etiology, diagnosis, and comorbidities of ADHD in children and youth. In this episode, listeners will learn about the background and causes of ADHD, the diagnostic criteria for ADHD, the differential diagnosis for ADHD, conditions commonly comorbid with ADHD, and how to apply this knowledge to a clinical case. This podcast was created by Renée Lurie, a third-year medical student at the University of Ottawa, in collaboration with Dr. Stacey Bélanger, Dr. Mark Feldman, and Dr.
