News Archive

One Million Downloads

We are thrilled to announce that PedsCases has reached over 1 million podcast downloads.  Thank you to all of the student, resident and staff contributors from across Canada who have worked to put together this great resource for learners, and thank you to all of the listeners for your support. Stay tuned for more podcasts, cases and videos.

2016 Update: Plans for the new year!

PedsCases had a big year of growth in 2015 and we have big plans in store for 2016. Our podcasts recently passed 750,000 downloads. Thanks again to all of our users and contributors who work to create excellent free open-access medical education resources. 

In the past few months we have released a number of new learning resources.

Summer Update: 600,000 Downloads and Next Steps

Thanks to all of our users for their ongoing support.  In Canada, we are enjoying our brief months of summer, but we are still hard at work to bring more great Pediatric #FOAMed content. Our website continues to grow, and this week we have passed 600,000 podcast downloads.

Canadian Paediatric Society (and other) Gudelines

PedsCases now hosts summaries of both common Canadian Paediatric Society positions statements and common community resources. We welcome you to check them out. They're linked in the side panel under "Guidelines" or can be find organized by topic using the "Learn" tab. 

Please let us know if you want us to add any specific topics! 

Winter Update: Happy New Year to all our PedsCase’rs out there!

Thank you for all your wonderful support. We're ecstatic as a team to have seen such a massive surge in podcast downloads (over 400,000 downloads so far) and website activity. As always, we recommend you explore our new content via the “Learn” tab on the main page of the website. 

Over the last few months, we’ve released several resources for you:

Welcome to our NEW Website!

We're very excited to welcome you to the re-launch of our PedsCasees website. Work towards this new website has been years in the making! In the coming months, we hope to iron out any wrinkles in the new website. Please be patient with us in the interim. As well, please share your thoughts below in the comment section or by e-mailing us directly at . Finally, our new website will be accompanied with a launch of new content over the coming months.


We are pleased to announce that PedsCases podcasts have exceeded 375,000 downloads in over 150 countries! The full series is available free on iTunes to download. Subscribe to PedsCases on iTunes and receive all the new podcasts as soon as they are created! If you are interested in recording a podcast, contact us at with your idea.
